Will 350 Grant Be Permanent?

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Will 350 Grant Be Permanent?

Will 350 Grant Be Permanent?  The R350 grant, known as the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, has provided vital financial assistance to millions of South Africans during times of economic hardship. As recipients rely on this temporary relief, many are curious about the future of the R350 grant. Will it be made a permanent fixture in the social security system? In this article, we will delve into this topic and explore the possibilities surrounding the longevity of the R350 grant. By understanding the potential outcomes, you can gain insights into the future of this valuable support program.

About Sassa R35o Grant

SRD r350 was launched as a temporary grant by SASSA (South African Social Security Agency). Its aim was to help people living below the line poverty and having no jobs to cope with the economic challenges of Covid-19.

SRD r350 did well in helping people to survive the challenging times of the Covid-19 era. To be eligible for this grant, you had to be either unemployed or fall under the category of disabled people or old people with a few other requirements.


Will 350 Grant Be Permanent?

Though this grant is helpful for many citizens, it is a huge burden on the reserves of the government. The South African food poverty line is R624 and many lobby groups are pushing to either raise this grant to this level or make it permanent. According to the National Treasury, the Covid-19 SRD grant is expected to grow by at least 8.8% every year and its financial implications could reach some R64.9 billion in the 2030/31 financial year.

Even in some cases, when people do a SASSA SRD status check, they end up with pending status due to low funds. Moreover, increasing the grant would be a huge burden and considering the current inflation, it doesn’t seem likely to happen anytime soon. Neither the grant will be changed to R624 nor it will be permanent.

If somehow government can arrange funds, they might make this permanent but increasing to R624 is highly unlikely.

Read Also: SASSA SRD Status Check 2024-2025


Is Sassa r350 Grant Extended?

YES Sassa R350 Grant has been extended. Though covid-19 is nearly gone its effects are still here and since SRD r350 was doing well in helping people, the Government of South Africa released a statement. To be more specific, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has confirmed that

“Honourable Members, our budget over the next three years is focused on restoring service delivery and laying the foundation for higher growth. Medium-term changes to spending plans are driven mainly by government’s decision to extend the special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress grant by one year, until 31 March 2024”.


SASSA Contact Details


While discussions surrounding the permanency of the R350 grant continue, there hasn’t been an official announcement regarding its long-term status. The government evaluates various factors, including budgetary constraints, socioeconomic impact, and targeting criteria, when making decisions regarding the future of social security programs. For more information, please visit SASSA Grant’s official website.