R350 SASSA Application

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R350 SASSA Application

R350 SASSA Application; How To Apply For August R350?

SASSA, the South African Social Security Agency, offers crucial assistance to at-risk individuals by means of diverse social grants. Among these grants is the R350 Social Relief of Distress grant, specifically designed to aid individuals experiencing financial difficulties. In this article, we will delve into the details of the R350 SASSA application process, eligibility criteria, and the different types of SASSA grants available. How To Apply For August R350?

What is the R350 SASSA Grant?

The R350 SASSA grant is a monthly stipend offered by the South African government to provide temporary relief to individuals facing severe economic distress. The grant aims to alleviate poverty and assist unemployed or underemployed individuals who are not receiving any other forms of government assistance.

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Types of SASSA Grants

  • R350 Social Relief of Distress Grant: This grant provides a monthly payment of R350 to eligible South African citizens who meet specific criteria.
  • Child Support Grant: This grant is provided to caregivers of children under the age of 18 to assist with their basic needs and education. SASSA R350 Grant List
  • Old Age Grant: Aimed at senior citizens aged 60 and above, this grant ensures financial support for elderly individuals who do not have access to other forms of income.
  • Disability Grant: Individuals with disabilities who are unable to support themselves financially can apply for this grant to aid their daily living expenses.

Benefits of the R350 SASSA Grant

The R350 SASSA grant provides several benefits to eligible applicants, including:

  • Monthly financial support to alleviate economic distress.
  • Assistance in meeting basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter.
  • Temporary relief while seeking employment or other forms of sustainable income.
  • Access to additional government support programs.

Eligibility Criteria for R350 SASSA Grant

To qualify for the R350 SASSA grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a South African citizen or permanent resident.
  • Be above the age of 18.
  • Not receive any other form of income or government assistance.
  • Have no other means of financial support.
  • Provide accurate and up-to-date personal information.

The Application Process for R350 SASSA Grant

The application process for the R350 SASSA grant is straightforward. Here’s how to apply:

Online Application:

  • Visit the SASSA website (www.sassa.gov.za).
  • Navigate to the R350 grant application page.
  • Complete the online application form with accurate personal information.
  • Upload the necessary supporting documents, such as proof of identity, residence, and bank details.
  • Submit the application and retain the reference number for future inquiries.

Paper Application:

  • Visit your nearest SASSA office or designated application point.
  • Request an R350 SASSA grant application form.
  • Fill out the form accurately, providing all necessary personal details.
  • Attach copies of supporting documents, including proof of identity, residence, and bank details.
  • Submit the completed application form to the SASSA office or designated point.
  • Retain the receipt as proof of submission.

Follow-Up and Inquiries:

After submitting the application, it is important to keep track of its progress. You can:

Contact the SASSA helpline (0800 60 10 11) and provide your reference number for updates.
Visit the nearest SASSA office for any inquiries or follow-ups.


For any further queries, please contact SASSA directly: Click here to visit the official website of Sassa

  • Contact the SASSA Toll Free Call centre on: 0800 60 10 11
  • Contact the SASSA Head Office on: 012 400 2322
  • Email SASSA Head Office at: Grantsenquiries@sassa.gov.za

The R350 SASSA grant plays a crucial role in providing temporary financial relief to vulnerable individuals facing economic hardship in South Africa. By understanding the application process, eligibility criteria, and different types of SASSA grants available, eligible applicants can access the support they need to improve their quality of life. Remember, accurate information and timely follow-up can ensure a smooth and successful application process for the R350 SASSA grant.


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