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Introduction to the SASSA SRD

For many years now, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has been in the business of delivering help in the form of financial aid to the needy and vulnerable citizens of South Africa. Meanwhile the social relief of distress (SRD) grant is also a scheme that was also established by central government for the purposes of helping people who in one way or the other have been hit hard by COVID-19 pandemic economically. This particular fund has was set up to assist citizens briefly and not as a permanent scheme. It is to provide assistance to people who lost their source of income as a result of the pandemic. This write up seeks to provide information about the SASSA SRD aid, how people can qualify for it, and then the process to access the aid, in addition to some relevant information about the aid scheme.

Eligibility criteria:

Qualifying for the SASSA SRD aid is not that difficult. The first thing to note is that, this particular scheme is for all citizens of South African citizens and anyone who is permanently resident in the country. If you are a citizen or a permanent resident and your income is below the minimum wage, you also fall within he bracket of people who can apply for this particular aid. The catch here is that, you must make sure, you are not in any other financial aid scheme before apply for this particular one. There are several other such grants like that for child support, disability and others, you must ensure you are not on any of those before applying for the SASSA SRD

Application process:

You can apply for the grant on the internet or you can pay a visit to any of the offices of the SASSA SRD. If you intent to apply through the internet, you first have to open to the official site of the SASSA SRD and then go by the simple instructions provided over there. Some of the things that will be required of you are your personal ID, your personal contact information, and then your banking details. You must ensure that you the information you give out is the right information as any false information will disqualify you.

For those who want to apply in person, you must visit the offices of the SASSA SRD and then fill the forms that will be given you. You will also be expected to provide your personal ID, your contact details, and then your banking details. In addition, you have to provide proof that you earn below the minimum wage don’t earn at all for which course you are applying for the grant.

Other important aspects:

Please note that the SASSA SRD is not a permanent scheme, as such it is subject to change as and when government deems fit. For those who are able to qualify for it, they shall be getting a stipend of R350 every month for three months continuous. But the government might elongate the period of the help if it thinks it is worth extending.

To conclude, the SASSA SRD grant has come as short stop measure and not a permanent scheme. It is aimed at ameliorating the harsh condition COVID-19 brought to people economically through the provision of financial assistance. Most importantly, it is available to all citizens of South Africa and permanent citizens who do not have any work doing or who are paid below the minimum wage. Application can be done at their office or through the internet, and once you meet the requirements through the provision of the needed documents, you will be assisted and your financial burden within this period of economic hardship will be lessened. Because it is not a permanent scheme, it is always important to visit the official site of the scheme to get the latest on the grant.